So you decided to lose those extra few pounds you have gained, but you are not sure what the best way is when it comes to how to lose pounds. As you will soon discover there are plenty of ways for losing weight, but one of the best methods of all is by setting up a healthy well balanced eating plan. This is something that you should be able to stick with well into the future in fact for the rest of your life.
Even though you think losing weight is going to be difficult the biggest challenge you will face when trying to lose those extra pounds is to keep them off once they are going. In fact the only way you really can be successful in achieving your goals is to replace those eating habits you have currently with ones that are far healthier. However, the eating plan you devise must not only be a realistic one but one which is flexible enough that you can for it for the rest of your life.
Although you will find that there are weight loss programs which have a diet program within them that claims you are going to be losing two to three pounds each week, these aren't always what they say they are. Although losing ten pounds or more during the first few weeks is quite possible this rapid weight loss isn't going to be something that will continue.
What you need to remember that is during the initial stages of trying to lose those extra pounds most of it occurs because of water loss and the muscle protein breaking down. This initial weight loss isn't in fact being caused by you losing the fat stored within your body. Certainly when you start to replace these vital substances because you are now eating normally you will find in fact that you are going to regain some of that weight you initially lost, which can be extremely disheartening for some people.However, instead of going for those eating plans where your food consumption is restricted it is far better if you instead just eat a more well balanced healthy diet. There are plenty of sites online that offer good advice and information on the kind of diet you should be using when trying to lose weight but remain fit and healthy.
The best kinds of diets are those that require you to increase your intake of as many natural fresh foods as possible. This doesn't mean just fruit and vegetables but good quality meats, fish and dairy products as well. Remember you don't have to give up everything you like and as an alternative to full fat milk with everything replace it instead with semi skimmed or skimmed instead.
In order to succeed when it comes to how to lose pounds you have gained you need to be finding a program which you feel comfortable and happy with. Also it may well be advisable to discuss the matter before hand with your doctor or dietitian as they may be able to suggest one that is perfectly adequate and will help you to achieve your goals in a realistic way.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Moody
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