In every group of friends, there is always that one person who is constantly about to start a diet of some kind. There is a cycle that they go on: start a diet, gripe, whine and belittle all of their friends, weep and cry, eat a chocolate cake and return to normal. That friend never seems to notice that the mysterious and magical chocolate cake shows up about the same time that all of the friends disappear.
This time though, the friend is looking for the fastest way to lose weight but will not be using any of the crazy ideas and plans that she is reading from the rag magazines while she is standing in line at the grocery store. This time, she will be using a sane method.
She needs to find the fastest way to lose weight because she is not a patient person and she is not interested in spending the next five months working to get to one size lower. She actually wants to see some progress before the end of the month.
This time though, she does have some restraint and she will be setting more reasonable and achievable weight loss goals. She will also follow a healthier diet plan.
Before, to her, the fastest way to lose weight was to stop eating altogether. She was living, but barely, on diet sodas and sheer determination. Her body reacted by making her feel sluggish and cranky and she reacted by lashing out at her friends and loved ones. There were the times that she was so dizzy that she actually had to have someone help her to stand up. She managed to lose three pounds before the chocolate cake showed up.
Another time, the fastest way to lose weight involved using little greenish gray pills that were labeled as "all natural" and safe. She was alternately hot and shaking and cold and shaking and all the while, her mood was bleak and black. Her heart felt like it was pounding out of her chest and she was starting to miss blinking. She lost a total of five pounds before the cake showed up that time.
She is done with the unsafe methods that are listed as the fastest way to lose weight. She will pay attention to her body and her health this time and maybe, the friends will be able to help her and support her rather than getting fed up and doing whatever it took to get their friend back.
Find The Fastest Way To Lose Weight. It is possible. At Strip That Fat you will be taught about healthy eating and exercise you can do for the long-term.
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