Often I'm asked, "What's the fastest way to lose weight?" I totally understand the question - the term "weight loss" is generally associated with unpleasant things like hunger, deprivation and physical pain. With an attitude like that, no wonder you want to "get it over with" quickly.
I wish I had a pat answer - I'd be a gajillionaire (that's more than a bazillionaire).
The truth is, since every body is different, there is no one fastest way to lose weight. (A friend of mine emailed to say he lost 20 pounds after spending two months in the 130 degree heat of Iraq - he does NOT recommend it as a weight loss plan!). I believe most of the people that ask me that question already know the stock answer: take in fewer calories than you expend during the course of a day. And for most people, this involves lowering calorie intake and increasing exercise.
But the fastest way to lose weight is often to use common sense.
During the course of my life, I have gone through military boot camp, trained for and run a marathon, and got down to 4% body fat. I've also been 30 pounds overweight and unable to run down to the mailbox. I've known the highs and lows of weight loss. I've seen the pounds drop off like miles on an odometer, and I've gone weeks looking at the same blasted high number on a scale.
Bottom line for me: my fastest way to lose weight was not padlocking my mouth or chaining myself to a treadmill. It wasn't about eating high protein, no fats, or low carbohydrates. But in my years of experience with this, I can say unequivocally what MY fastest way to lose weight is. Wanna know?It's when I made the mental shift from "wanting to lose weight" to "I don't care if it's the last thing I do - I'm going to weigh xxx pounds!" It's when I went from sucking in my stomach in front of the mirror, to when I said, "I'm fat! I look terrible. And I'm going to change that right now."
I started constantly visualizing myself at my ideal weight. Don't get me wrong: I'm not talking about positive thinking here. For as I visualized myself at that weight, I kept asking myself, "Would that person eat this ice cream right now? Would that person have this second helping? Would that person be too busy today to exercise?" And whatever the answer was, I'd do it. No rationalizations, no bargaining, no "I deserve this", no "it's only one spoonful". My fastest way to lose weight was when I went from "I hate this" (the weight loss regimen) to "I want to look like (xxx) and I'll do what it takes to do it.
I'd like to say that the first time I tried this, it went like clockwork. That I made the mental shift overnight. But I'd be lying.
Here's what I want to leave you with: I don't know what the fastest way to lose weight is for you. There are countless doctor-tested diet and exercise programs out there. Some are managed, some leave everything up to you. But they all work.
Or rather they will, once you get your mind right. So pick a plan that you can stick to, one you can work with. Determine what your ideal weight is. Visualize yourself at that ideal weight. But here's the key step - ask yourself, "What would this person eat today? How much exercise would this person do today?" This isn't positive thinking - it's positive ACTION. Making that mental shift may just be your fastest way to lose weight.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melinda_Grossman
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