It is common knowledge that one of the best ways to lose weight is to get regular exercise and follow a healthy diet plan.

But what is the fastest way to lose weight?

The fastest way to lose weight, without a doubt, is fasting. In a 2002 experiment conducted by resident scientists from Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, it was revealed that a 36 hour deprivation of food can result in a loss of 1% to 2% of the subject's body weight. As an example, if you weighed 300 lbs., then you could expect to lose 3 to 6 lbs. after only 36 hours of fasting.
However, the fact is that fasting is merely a short term weight loss solution. Sure, you can lose a substantial percentage of weight after only a few days of fasting, but how long until you regain the weight you lost?
Let's discuss the mechanics behind weight gain and weight loss to get a better understanding of whether or not fasting is an ideal way to lose weight.
Why do people gain weight?
It's because they take in more calories than they can burn. As a result, the excess calories build up into fats.
The key to losing weight, therefore, is to be able to burn the calories we take in. This is the job of the body's metabolism, the process that transforms calories into usable energy.
Weight gain and consequently, weight loss greatly depends on the rate of a person's metabolism. A slow metabolism will mean fewer calories burned and more fats stored, which would also mean more weight to be gained. A fast metabolism will mean more calories burned and less fats stored, which would also mean less weight to be gained.
Weight loss, therefore - at least the sustainable kind of weight loss that produces lasting results - is about training the body's metabolism to work at an optimal rate.
Is fasting safe?
Fasting may be the fastest way to lose weight, but it does not train one's metabolism to burn calories faster. As a result, fasting may yield almost immediate results in terms of weight loss, but such results may disappear just as quickly.
Additionally, fasting has the potential to cause damage to your overall health. People who are already suffering from particular ailments, for example, cannot afford to be deprived of the essential nutrients people need every single day. Fasting can also expedite the development of diabetes in people who are susceptible to it. Fasting can also lead to muscular and organ breakdown. These health risks are the reasons why it is strongly advised that people who are planning to embark on a fasting schedule should first consult with their respective doctors.
So even though scientists have revealed that fasting may be the fastest way to lose weight, it isn't the safest method by any means.
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