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http://fastestwaytoloseweightforall.blogspot.com/The 4 quick ways to lose weight I am mentioning here are not just really effective but they are also quite easy to follow once you get into the habit. Then you should not have much problem in staying slim and fit for a long long time to come.

So those of you serious about shedding some extra pounds and doing it fast, read and try to follow these tips as much as you can. They should be fun to do and soon you may start enjoying them even if you disliked them initially!

1. Drink more water

You might have heard this countless times. But you may be surprised to know that by drinking more water you can lose a little bit of water weight in your body.
You might be carrying on around 3-5 pounds or more of excess water in your body. Surprisingly, you can lose this excess water weight by drinking more water. This might sound contradictory, but what really happens is that the body will not hold on to excess water once you start drinking enough of it.
Try to increase the water intake by a few glasses more than what you are drinking now. But don't go overboard and stay within reasonable limits. Also remember that juices etc. do not count - you really need to drink water. This can be a quick easy way to lose weight.

2. Replace your snacks

This is another healthy, quick way to lose weight. Most of us are in the habit of eating a lot of snacks in between meals. And many times these snacks are junk food which have too many calories and no real nutrition.
The best way to lose weight fast would be to just quit this habit of eating useless snacks. But having said this, it can be difficult for someone to completely break this habit all at once.
So what you can do is at least replace the snacks with some better ones which are more nutritious and low in calories. Some of the best foods for this purpose are apples, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, bananas etc.
Keep these handy in the fridge so that whenever you feel like munching you can have these instead of your potato chips, or other fried items etc. This is really a cool and quick way to lose weight easily and in a healthy manner.

3. Eat slowly

If you want to lose weight then get into the habit of taking smaller bites and munching them thoroughly. You will avoid overeating, prevent gas problems and also tend to stay slim by eating slowly.
It has been found that people who eat slowly by taking smaller bites and chewing the food more, they tend to stay slim when compared to those who eat fast.
It is said that since we have about 32 teeth, we also need to chew each morsel of food atleast 30-50 times before swallowing. Try this out and you may soon realize how effective it is and really one of the fast ways to lose weight easily.

4. Walk for 30 minutes each day

Shall I tell another quick way to healthy weight loss? Do brisk walking for just 30 minutes a day.
I don't think that it is difficult at all to walk for 30 minutes each day. Walking is excellent for our body as it exercises all parts of the body.
Sparing 30 minutes everyday for some brisk walking should not be a problem at all for most people. You can even take somebody with you for the walk so that you don't have to do it alone.

The Effective Way to Permanent and Fast Weight Loss:

The above tips can be really effective but only if you follow them consistently and make them a part of your life. These are wonderful for your general fitness and can also provide a quick way to lose weight naturally and easily.

Permanent and quick weight loss can only happen if you inculcate positive habits related to eating and exercising in your life. The above tips should not be difficult at all and if you try them out you may agree that they are effective and quick ways to lose weight and get slim!
If you are tired of trying to lose weight without success, here is a simple solution. Discover a quick way to lose weight easily within 2 weeks - Fast & Easy Weight Loss Program
Learn how you can shed some fat by eating apples daily - Quick weight loss with apples

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Syd_Hs


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