One of the best things you can do for your overall health is to drop a few pounds. Or maybe more than a few pounds. Are you desperate to lose weight quickly? Here are quick ways to lose weight. Start sending your scale numbers in the right direction: down.
You know the drill when it comes to weight loss -- take in fewer calories, burn more calories. But the healthiest way to lose excess weight is not crash dieting or bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes. So change your diet slowly and change your exercise regimen slowly.
If you are desperate to lose weight quickly, take up cardiovascular (cardio) or aerobic exercise. Cardio exercises burns fat up; it is sustained activity using your heart and lungs over 30-45 minute sessions.
Follow these 2 rules to maximize the weight-loss effect with this kind of exercise:
1. Your body must reach a "fat burning zone" and stay in this zone during exercise. When you reach this zone, your body burns the fat stored on your body. The more calories you will burn off while in the zone, the more your body burns fat.
You reach the zone with moderate-intensity exercises, like walking, cycling, running, and swimming. You don't need special electrical equipment to know what moderate intensity is. You should be able to speak casually, when in the zone, with someone while exercising. If you are too short of breath, just slow your pace down.
Within your "fat burning zone" your body uses fat stored on your body for energy. The longer you exercise in the zone, the longer your body will use fat for calories.
2. Every single time you exercise more than usual, you burn calories and fat. The real benefits of cardio start after being in the "zone" for about 20 minutes. Roughly 20 minutes into a workout your body looks for fat for calories to burn.
This should motivate you to exercise beyond 20 minutes per workout session, but listen to your body to prevent injury if you are just starting out.
So you see, you don't need crash dieting, which ends up making you weaker or deprived. Quick ways to lose weight and quick-fix changes lead to a yo-yoing effect. Drastic weight loss is usually followed by weight gain, resulting in a vicious cycle.
Cardio is the best fat burning exercise if you need to lose weight in a week, but you would be surprised to learn that diet can help you to lose faster. If you are desperate to lose weight quickly, you should definitely look into making important diet changes.
If you are desperate to lose weight quickly look at changing your eating plan. Diet produces 2 to 3 times greater weight loss than exercise and is one of the ultimate quick ways to lose weight. Read this Eating System which is so unique that you're going to be anxious to begin immediately. Start downloading right now at
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